Since I'm finally getting the pictures to show up in predictable places, let me show you Shigaraki.
My room (prior to the arrival of my suitcase) ---
My room (prior to the arrival of my suitcase) ---


Desk, and various implements of destruction (aka toaster oven, water warmer, and falling-over lamp).

Table, chair, stuff. I sit here a lot, considering it's the only place in the room where there can be internet.

Fridge, bathroom.

Various surroundings ---

The dormitory... I'm down the stairs, at the end of the hall.

Another room of the kitchen, with such important things as cabinets, refridgerators, and rice cookers. The stoves and sinks are off to the left through that doorway.

Pretty little garden. With pots in it, of course.

Kiln firing schedule. I'm not on here yet... but niether is the raku kiln.

Meeting room, with the big map & lists of all the residents who have worked here.
"At the end of2007fiscal year 690 ceramic artists from 42 countries have worked at the Institute of Ceramic Studies"

Photos of all the current residents... I think someone said there are 16 of us, so maybe there's a picture missing.

The kiln room. Huge kiln, with huge piece going into it.

The raku kiln, currently serving as a shelf.

Courtyard, big hill (the museum is that roundish building at the top).

The studio.

Some raku tea bowls from last weekend's workshop. I'll probably be using some glazes like these.

Also some interesting Jomon-style pots... not sure what those are from, but cool!

Small display window with work from some of the residents.

Studio! Mine is the shelf & table in the foreground there.

This is Nan. She's making a rather huge person (for the noborigama firing, I think).

The other studio room. I'll probably be moving in here today, since there's a huge (70 people or so) workshop starting tomorrow. And remember the big piece going into the big kiln? Since it's out of the studio, there's probably enough space for me to work :)
Awesome place! Thanks for the tour.
Hi Meredith!
This is my first blog visit, ever, anywhere. Great site! Looks like you're having a great time. What a place! – Aunt Linda
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